Make a Donation

How your donation helps?
NTC provides nutritional, medical, emotional and educational support to children affected by poverty and unrest in Nigeria.
We believe these children are the future and with your help, we can return their lives towards normality, keeping them safe from hunger, illness, kidnapping, or violent attack.
We need your help to do more
Your donations help keep our NTC Community Food Banks and Kitchens open to provide 5,000 children with their daily school meals. Furthermore, this also helps provide health care, protecting tens of thousands of NTC children to keep them fit and well.
Using your generous educational sponsorships, this provide long-lasting stability for hundreds of NTC children to have a better chance at a brighter future.
We also help children in the UK
NTC also works with children’s welfare programmes in the UK because we believe children’s mental health to be of a vital importance, and carry this out through our innovative international correspondence projects, putting children in the UK in touch with NTC children in Nigeria.
Why We Need Your Help
- NTC provides 2,250,000 meals every year
- Our medical outreach helps 80,000 children
- 15,000 school children drink clean water provided by NTC
Schools We Support
- RCM Primary School Zaraganda, Jos
- LEA Primary School Chinye, Miango
- Ekan Primary School, Hwolshe, Jos
Communities We Support
- Bassa, Kogo State & Riyom, Plateau State
- Anguldi, Pwomol & Heipang, Jos
Your Donation Will Provide
- £20 provides 120 meals, or medicine for 5 people
- £50 provides 300 meals, or medicine for 15 people
- £100 provides 600 meals, or medicine for 30 people